Supported Protocols and Formats

This page documents which cryptographic algorithms, key types and SSI formats and protocols are supported. Various protocols have a draft status and success on using them may vary.

Cryptographic Algorithms

The following cryptographic signing algorithms are supported:

  • ECDSA with the NIST P-256, P-384 and P-512 curves.

  • EdDSA with Ed25519 curves.

  • RSASSA-PSS RSA with keys of at least 2048 bits.

The following encryption algorithms are supported:

  • RSA-OAEP-SHA256 (min. 2048 bits)

  • ECDH-ES+A256KW

  • AES-GCM-256

DID methods

The following DID methods are supported:

  • did:nuts (creating and resolving)

  • did:web (creating and resolving)

  • did:key (resolving)

  • did:jwk (resolving)


W3C Verifiable Credentials v1 and Presentations are supported (issuing and verifying) in JSON-LD and JWT format.

The following protocols are being implemented (work in progress):

  • OpenID4VP verifier and SIOPv2 relying party for requesting a presentation from a wallet.

  • OpenID4VCI issuer for issuing a credential to a wallet.

  • OpenID4VCI wallet for receiving a credential from an issuer.

DIIP Compliance

We strive to be complient with the DIIP components as specified by the Dutch Blockchain Coalition. The following components are supported:

  1. OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (wallet only)

  2. OpenID for Verifiable Presentations

  3. SIOP V2 (Not relevant for organisation wallet agents)

  4. DIF Presentation Exchange

  5. W3C Verifiable Credential JWT

  6. DID methods: did:web and did:jwk

  7. Signature types ES256

  8. Revocation method: StatusList 2021