Configuring for Production

Running a Nuts node in a production environment has additional requirements regarding security and data integrity compared to development or test environments. This page instructs how to configure your node for running in a production environment and what to consider.


Make sure your database configuration is set up to backup your node’s data and private keys.

Strict mode

By default the node runs in a mode which allows the operator run configure the node in such a way that it is less secure. For production it is recommended to enable strictmode which blocks some of the unsafe configuration options (e.g. using the IRMA demo scheme).

HTTP Interface Binding

By default all HTTP endpoints get bound on :1323 which generally isn’t usable for production, since some endpoints are required to be accessible by the public and others only meant for administrator or your own XIS. You can determine the intended public by looking at the first part of the URL.

  • Endpoints that start with /public should be accessible by the general public,

  • /internal is meant for XIS application integration and administrators.

It’s advisable to make sure internal endpoints aren’t reachable from public networks. The HTTP configuration facilitates this by allowing you to bind sets of endpoints to a different HTTP port. This is done through the http configuration:

  # The following is the default binding which endpoints are bound to,
  # which don't have an alternative bind specified under `alt`. Since it's a default it can be left out or
  # be used to override the default bind address.
    address: :1323
    # The following binds all endpoints starting with `/internal` to `internal.lan:1111`
      address: internal.lan:1111
    # The following binds all endpoints starting with `/public` to ``
      # The following enables cross-domain requests (CORS) from
    # The following binds all endpoints starting with `/status` to all interfaces on `:80`
      address: :80

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

In some deployments CORS can be required for the public IRMA authentication endpoints when the user-facing authentication page is hosted on a (sub)domain that differs from Nuts Node’s IRMA backend. CORS can be enabled on a specific HTTP interface by specifying the domains allowed to make CORS requests as cors.origin (see the example above). Although you can enable CORS on the default endpoint it’s not advised to do so in a production environment, because CORS itself opens up new attack vectors on node administrators.


To aid problem diagnosis every node in a network should share some information about itself; the type and version of software it’s running, which peers it is connected to and how long it’s been up. This helps others diagnosing issues when others experience communication problems with your, and other nodes. Although discouraged, this can be disabled by specifying 0 for network.advertdiagnosticsinterval.