API development

When developing APIs, please follow these guidelines.

Contract first

The Nuts node APIs are specified in Open API Specification (OAS). The files are located under /docs/_static/<engine>/<version>.yaml. Where <engine> is a specific module like crypto or auth and <version> defines the version of the API. We use version 3.0.y of the OAS.


We use versioning of the APIs. This is reflected in both the OAS files and the HTTP paths. Versions must follow the pattern v and start at v1. These are major versions, any breaking change results in a new major version of the API. New additions, bug fixes and changes that are backwards compatible may be done in the current version.

Code generation

The OAS files are used for code generation. The makefile contains the gen-api target which will generate the code. The build target only needs to be extended when a new version or new engine is added. Generated code is always placed in /<engine>/api/<version>/generated.go.

Return codes

The error return values are generalized for all API calls. The return values follow RFC7807. The definition is available under /docs/_static/common/error_response.yaml. The error definition can be used in a OAS file:

          $ref: '../common/error_response.yaml'

The error responses will not be listed as responses in the online generated documentation. To describe error responses, the specific responses need to be added to the API description:

      description: |
        Some description on the API

        error returns:
        * 400 - incorrect input


The API paths are designed so it’s clear which APIs are to be blocked for external traffic.

  • /internal/** These APIs are meant to be behind a firewall and should only be available to the internal infrastructure.