Issuing and searching Verifiable Credentials
Issuing VCs
As a node, you can issue credentials with each DID you control (whether they are trusted is a different story). A credential is issued through the API. The node will add sensible defaults for:
You are required to provide the credentialSubject
, the issuer
, the type
and an optional @context
and expirationDate
If you do not pass a @context, it’ll be set: ["", ""]
Note that this default does not include the latest version of the Nuts JSON-LD context.
The latest Nuts JSON-LD context can be found here.
Calling /internal/vcr/v2/issuer/vc with
"issuer": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg",
"type": "NutsOrganizationCredential",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:nuts:9UKf9F9sRtiq4gR3bxfGQAeARtJeU8jvPqfWJcFP6ziN",
"organization": {
"name": "Because we care B.V.",
"city": "IJbergen"
"visibility": "public",
"format": "ldp_vc",
"publishToNetwork": false
Will be expanded by the node to:
"@context": [
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:nuts:9UKf9F9sRtiq4gR3bxfGQAeARtJeU8jvPqfWJcFP6ziN",
"organization": {
"city": "IJbergen",
"name": "Because we care B.V."
"id": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg#a1d8ee3f-f404-44d5-bd07-71d3b144ce54",
"issuanceDate": "2021-03-05T09:37:05.732811+01:00",
"issuer": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg",
"proof": {
"created": "2021-03-05T09:37:05.732811+01:00",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..s6lxJa7pOpqlhcWhJoKRMJIJiD4i+IUkfmhy+rUvNzZayVHAq+lZaFxBsv9rQCe0ewpZq/6z3hSUOURo6mnHhg==",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"verificationMethod": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg#gSEtbS2dOsS9PSrV13RwaZHz3Ps6OTI14GvLx8dPqgQ"
"type": [
There are three parameters that can be passed:
format (optional): The format of the VC. Can be
. Default isldp_vc
.publishToNetwork (did:nuts only, optional): Whether the VC should be published on the network. Default is
.visibility (did:nuts only, optional): The visibility of the VC. Can be
. Default isprivate
.withStatusList2021Revocation (no did:nuts, optional): Whether the VC should be issued with a status list 2021 revocation. Default is
Searching VCs
You can search for VCs by providing a VC which should be used for matching in JSON-LD format. Searching works by posting a Verifiable Credential to /internal/vcr/v2/search that contains fields to match. The operation yields an array containing the matched verifiable credentials.
The example below searches for a NutsOrganizationCredential (note that the query field contains the credential):
"query": {
"@context": [
"type": ["VerifiableCredential" ,"NutsOrganizationCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:nuts:SKUYYi2g88ohjhiu49Q13ZWGXvp678sjNiM7UHUCMyw",
"organization": {
"name": "Because we care B.V.",
"city": "IJbergen"
Note the fields @context and type, these are required for making it a valid VC in JSON-LD. In the example above they also contain Nuts specific contexts and types (since we’re searching for a Nuts VC). The fields @context and type are not used as query parameters for searching, they are required to determine the right context. The following query does not return all NutsOrganizationCredential but all credentials.
"query": {
"@context": [
"type": ["VerifiableCredential" ,"NutsOrganizationCredential"],
To find certain credentials, you’ll need to add fields that are required to exist in the desired credential. By default, matching is exact: it only returns the result when the given value exactly matches. There are 2 other matchers for strings:
to match credential fields that contain the field (non-empty)*
as postfix to match credential fields that start with the given string, e.g.Hospital Amst*
When *
is used anywhere else in the string it won’t be interpreted as wildcard and matched as-is.
Wildcards are not supported for other types than strings.
The following example showcases both matchers:
"query": {
"@context": [
"type": ["VerifiableCredential" ,"NutsOrganizationCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"organization": {
"name": "Hospital Amst*",
"city": "*"
By default only VCs from trusted issuers are returned. You can specify the searchOptions field to include VCs from untrusted issuers.